Xu Yexiong

Name: Xu Yexiong


Date of Birth: 2001


Tel: 13336432682


He was about 1.2 meters tall, and didn’t like to talk to others. He was very introverted and only called dad, mom, sister, brother and grandma. There is a small finger in his right thumb. In the middle of May of 2010, he was abducted.

Xu Yexion was abducted in the middle of May, 2010. Upon missing, Xu Yexion was about 1.2 meters tall. He was very introverted, and he did not like to talk to anyone beside his dad, mom, sister, brother, and grandmother. There is a birthmark on his right thumb and small finger.


Location lost: Qujing City, South Gate


Province: Yunnan Province