Mother Never Gave Up Looking for Her Daughter Last Seen at School

WRIC posted on Jun 3, 2022


A mother who lost her daughter for 14 years, and posted a video to try to find her daughter

WRIC: The place where her daughter Wu Dahan disappeared is Fanshan Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province. The town has 1 kindergarten with 3 full-time teachers, 18 primary schools with 185 full-time teachers, 3 junior high schools with 108 full-time teachers, and 1 ordinary high school with 54 full-time teachers. According to years of data collected on trafficking, Women’s Rights in China state that the girl Wu Dahan is not the only missing or trafficked child in this area.


Hello netizens,

I am a mother seeking my daughter from Lujiang Blum Mine in Anhui Province. I’m here to find my daughter Wu, Dahan who has been kidnapped for 14 years.

My daughter was born in 1997. She has missing in the afternoon at primary school on June 5, 2007 in Yangshan Fanshan Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province. She was a third-grade student at the time. My daughter’s physical features are that there is a less obvious scar under the small corner of the left eye, a small mole in the lower right eyelid, and the left toe was scalded by boiling water when she was a child, leaving a scar. I’m here to get everyone’s help, and I hope you can help me. If you don’t know the whereabouts of my daughter, please help me forward and spread the information about my daughter.

If the God gave you power to know the whereabouts of my daughter, please contact me by private message and get baby home, thank good people for a safe life!

I want to say to my daughter, daughter, where are you? How do you doing your life? Mom has been looking for you for more 14 years, almost 15 years. During these  years, your mother has encountered many difficulties and misery! It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, looking for you endlessly, but still can’t find you! My baby, can you stand up bravely to find your mother, okay? Mom just wants to see you in my lifetime, knowing that you are safe and healthy, that’s enough! No matter what you are now, you will always be the baby in your mother’s heart, and finding you is also your mother’s wish in this life! Mom never happy again if can’t find you.You will always be the only concern for your mother in this life! Come back, baby, baby contact me please.